My Dream House Blog


Work Interruptus

So what did I get up to this weekend. Well not as much as I thought I would, I’m not too sure how I should say this when everything is hitting the fan and it’s crisis point but I dragged my heals this weekend. Best laid plans of mice and men and...


Halloween the night of the dead angle grinder

The weekend was another of those weekends when I only managed to find a single day – and a bit – to work on the house. Still the house’s loss was my gain as I had my lovely daughter for the entire day all to myself and it was Halloween too. We...


I had a dream

I had a dream last night… I was in a completed house that I’d refurbished or built and it was bonkers amazing. It was just soooo beautiful and sparkly, everything was just wonderful, the kitchen was a marvel to behold and the bathroom and shower were fantastic. My Dad was there too,...


Stripping till I dropped

It was one of those weekends and I had a lovely extra day to work on the house, what I was going to get done was extraordinary however I’d not remembered how painful removing wallpaper could be. Anyway Friday morning and I was full of cold, nevertheless I was made of sterner...


Time is a tricky thing

Time is a tricky thing, not having enough of it means that one has to find time. I had a dozen jobs to do this week but a late night at work on Monday, plus a Tuesday and Thursday with my daughter meant that I only had the Wednesday to swing at...



Now before I start I must say… I really enjoy my job and where I work. But… I really wish I had chosen to be self-employed, just the luxury of being able to do what you want and when you want, that would be just wonderful. I’m not saying that I’d sleep...


For the love of Rigger boots

Any reader of this blog must get mighty sick of me trumpeting how hard I worked this or that weekend. Well this weekend I worked harder than any other weekend I’d ever worked. I mean dead flipping blinking bloody real unrelentingly literally hard. Barely looks like it, but I did do a...


Mighty Dunsley Yorkshire Boiler Stove

You may recall I had a rather cold tub of bathwater on the Sunday evening, this was due me running out of heating oil and it being too late to put the fire on to heat the water. However the next day I still hadn’t had the opportunity to go to the...


Builders and plumbers plus the school trip

Again I was very aware that things were not getting done, the family room was taking forever, finance was a worry and I had to make some progress, so I took a week off work as a holiday. This week was not only to get some building progress done but it was...


Done and dusting

So I took a long weekend to get some work done on the house and boy did I work some hours. What I needed to achieve this weekend was to get the darned sub-subfloor finished, this meant I’d be out of the soil and working in the clear air. It was just...

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